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الحل الأمثل لتجنب خسائر الشركات الحكوميه   
أجد فيه ظلما للعاملين و دافعي الضرائب    

الاثنين معا    

اعرض النتائج
العدد الخامس - الخميس 15/11/2007

Best Leaders from I have ever seen in my Life

Best Leaders from I have ever seen in my Life…

1.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Muhammad was an Arab religious, political, and military leader who established
Islam and the Muslim community. He united the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula into a federation of allied tribes with its capital at Medina.
Although verses about the performing of Hajj had already come, Muhammad and Muslims did not perform it due to the enmity of the Quraish. Around the 13th of March, 628 with 1400 Companions he went towards Mecca without the least intention of giving battle.
But the Quraish were determined to offer resistance to Muslims and they posted themselves outside Mecca, closing all access to the city. In order to settle the dispute peacefully, Muhammad halted at a place called Hudaybiyya. Hence after series of talks a treaty was signed.

The main points of treaty were the following:
1. They have agreed to lay down the burden of war for ten years
2. Muhammad, should not perform Hajj this year
3. They may come next year to perform Hajj (unarmed) but shall not stay in Mecca for more than three days
4. Any Muslim living in Mecca cannot settle in Medina, but Medinan Muslims may come and join Meccans (and will not be returned).

Many Muslims were not satisfied with the terms of the treaty.
However, on the way to Medina, God revealed to the Prophet a new chapter of the Qur'an named "Al-Fath" (The Victory). The new Revelation left no doubt in Muslims' minds that the expedition from which they were now returning must be considered a victorious one.
With the passage of time, it became more and more apparent why the Qur'an had declared the truce a victory. The men of Mecca and Medina could now meet in peace and discuss Islam.
Hence, during the following two years the community of Islam more than doubled.
After the truce signed by the Hudaybiyya, Muhammad is said to
have sent letters to many rulers of the world, demanding they convert to Islam.
Hence he sent messengers (with letters) to Heraclius of the Byzantine Empire (the eastern Roman Empire), Chosroes of Persia, the chief of Yemen and to some others.

The capitulation of Mecca and the defeat of an alliance of enemy tribes at Hunayn effectively brought the greater part of the Arabian peninsula under Muhammad's authority.
However, this authority was not enforced by a regular government, as Muhammad chose instead to rule through personal relationships and tribal treaties.
The Muslims were clearly the dominant force in Arabia, and most of the remaining tribes and states hastened to convert to Islam.

For most of the sixty-three years of his life, Muhammad was a merchant, then a religious leader. He took up the sword late in his life. He was an active military leader for ten years.
Muhammad served as administrator, legislator, judge, and commander-in-chief as
well as teacher, preacher, and prayer leader of the Muslim community.
For the scholars of Islamic law he is the legislator-jurist who defined ritual observance; for the mystic he is the ideal seeker of spiritual perfection; for the philosopher and
statesman he is the role model of both a conqueror and a just ruler; for ordinary
Muslims, he is a model of God's grace and salvation.

2.Jozep Broz Tito
Tito's greatest strength, in the eyes of the western communists, had been in suppressing nationalist insurrections and maintaining unity throughout the country.
It was Tito's call for unity, and related methods that held together the people of
Yugoslavia. This ability was put to a test several times during his reign, notably
during the so-called Croatian Spring meaning "mass movement") when the
government had to suppress both public demonstrations and
dissenting opinions within the Communist Party.
Tito was notable for pursuing a foreign policy of neutrality during the
Cold War and for establishing close ties with developing countries.
Relations with the United States and Western European nations
were generally cordial, and Yugoslavia had a considerably more
liberal travel policy than most Communist countries.

Tito did not initially respond to Germany's invasion of Yugoslavia on Stalin's orders because Stalin had signed the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact.
After Germany attacked the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941), Tito called (July 4, 1941) a Central committee meeting, was named Military Commander and issued a call
to arms and communist revolution. Starting on July 7 in Bela Crkva, Yugoslav partisans began a widespread guerrilla campaign and started liberating chunks of territory.
The activities provoked Germans into "retaliation" against civilians
that resulted in mass murders (for each killed
German soldier, 100 civilians were to be killed and for each wounded, 50).

In the liberated territories, the partisans organized people's committees to act as civilian government.
Tito was the most prominent leader of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia - AVNOJ, which convened in Bihac on November 26, 1942
and in Jajce on November 29, 1943. In these two sessions, they
established the basis for post-war organisation of the country,
making it a federation, and naming Tito Marshal of Yugoslavia.
On December 4, 1943, while most of the country was still occupied by
the Axis, Tito proclaimed a provisional democratic Yugoslav government.

In 1948, Tito became the first Communist leader to defy Stalin's leadership of the Cominform; he was one of the few people to stand up to Stalin's demands for absolute loyalty.
Stalin took it personally–for once, to no avail. "Stop sending people to kill me," Tito wrote.
"If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't
have to send a second."[1] The Yugoslav Communist Party was expelled
from the association on June 28, 1948. This brought Tito much international recognition.

The Brioni Declaration - Nasser, Tito, and Nehru, July 19, 1956
Under Tito's regime or Titoism, Yugoslavia also became a founding
member of the Non-Aligned Movement. In 1961, Tito co-founded the
movement with Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser and India's Jawaharlal
Nehru, thus establishing strong ties with the third world countries.

3.Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela personifies struggle. He is still leading the fight against apartheid with extraordinary vigour and resilience after spending nearly three
decades of his life behind bars. He has sacrificed his private life and his
youth for his people, and remains South Africa's best known and loved hero.

Mandela has held numerous positions in the ANC: ANCYL secretary (1948);
ANCYL president (1950); ANC Transvaal president (1952); deputy
national president (1952) and ANC president (1991).

His father, Henry Mgadla Mandela, was chief councillor to Thembuland's
acting paramount chief David Dalindyebo. When his father died, Mandela
became the chief's ward and was groomed for the chieftainship.
In 1944 he helped found the ANC Youth League, whose Programme of
Action was adopted by the ANC in 1949.
He was given a suspended sentence for his part in the campaign.
Shortly afterwards a banning order confined him to Johannesburg for six months.
During this period he formulated the "M Plan", in terms of which ANC branches
were broken down into underground cells.
By 1952 Mandela and Tambo had opened the first black legal firm in the country, and Mandela was both Transvaal president of the ANC and deputy national president.
A petition by the Transvaal Law Society to strike Mandela off the roll of attorneys was refused by the Supreme Court.

In the 'fifties, after being forced through constant bannings to resign officially from the ANC, Mandela analysed the Bantustan policy as a political swindle. He predicted mass removals, political persecutions and police terror.
For the second half of the 'fifties, he was one of the accused in the Treason Trial.
With Duma Nokwe, he conducted the defence.
When the ANC was banned after the Sharpeville massacre in 1960, he was detained until 1961 when he went underground to lead a campaign for a new national convention.
In 1962 Mandela left the country for military training in Algeria and to arrange training for other MK members.
On his return he was arrested for leaving the country illegally and for incitement to strike. He conducted his own defence. He was convicted and jailed for five years in November 1962. While serving his sentence, he was charged, in the Rivonia trial, with sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment.
A decade before being imprisoned, Mandela had spoken out against the introduction of Bantu Education, recommending that community activists "make every home, every shack or rickety structure a centre of learning".
Robben Island, where he was imprisoned, became a centre for learning, and Mandela was a central figure in the organised political education classes.
In prison Mandela never compromised his political principles and was always a source of strength for the other prisoners.
During the 'seventies he refused the offer of a remission of sentence if he recognised Transkei and settled there.
In the 'eighties he again rejected PW Botha's offer of freedom if he renounced violence.
It is significant that shortly after his release on Sunday 11 February 1990, Mandela and his delegation agreed to the suspension of armed struggle.
Mandela has honorary degrees from more than 50 international universities and is chancellor of the University of the North.
He was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa on 10 May 1994 - June 1999
Nelson Mandela retired from Public life in June 1999. He currently resides in his birth place - Qunu, Transkei.

...Nourhan Abd EL Wehab


عدد التعليقات: 3

Anonymous غير معرف    قال
السلام عليكم ...
جميل جدا يانورهان تناولك قصة كفاح المناضل العظيم نلسون مانديلا ... وياريتك كتبتيه بالعربى حتى يقراه الجميع ويستفيد باعظم قصة كفاح فى افريقيا ... ونحن فى انتظار المزيد .
جدووووو الاحد 18 نوفمبر 2007

Anonymous غير معرف    قال
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